- Notices and Letters of all kinds
- Subpoenas, Demand Letter
- Constable Auctions
- Cease and Desist Orders
- Citations Giving Notice
- Skip Trace and Location
- No Trespass
- Evictions (Housing Court)
- Notice to Quit, 48 & 72 Hr. Notice, 14, 30 Day
- Summary Process Summons and Complaint
- Evictions, Motions, Short Order of Notice
- Execution on Judgement, Preliminary Injunction
- Execution on Money Judgement
- Small Claims (District Court)
- Notices to Show Cause, Motions
- Supplementary Process, Executions on Judgement
- Notice of Next Event
- Auctions
- Execution on Money Judgement
- Domestic Relations, (Probate Court)
- Domestic Relations: Divorce, Modification, Support, Paternity, Custody
- Summons and Complaint for Contempt
- Probate Capias
- Capias Arrest
- District Court
- Housing Claims
- Probate Court
- Protection Detail/Keeper of Peace
What Can
Constables Serve?
Constables are bonded for the amount specified by the Massachusetts Statute, and can serve all process allowed by law. All bonded Constables may serve, within the Cities or Towns in which they are appointed or elected, the following: All Summons and Complaints with maximum Ad Damnum allowed by law Writs and Trustee Process Real Estate Attachments Land Court Process Executions Supplementary Process in any Amount Small Claims Notices and Notices To Show Cause All Process under G.L. Chapter 239 Summary Process, Ejectments, etc. Notices of all kinds and Demands Capias Probate Court Process, Domestic Relations Subpoenas, Criminal, Civil, and Federal, and other certain Writs and Papers from the District Courts, the Superior, Supreme Judicial, and the United States District Courts.

Constables may be appointed to serve all process under Rule 4-c of the Federal and Mass. Rules of Civil Procedure and the appropriate motion for use in obtaining this appointment may be found at
As a disinterested person, the following may be served anywhere by a Constable, including process of all kinds not required to be served by an Officer: Federal Summons and Complaints Summons and Complaint for Divorce, Contempt, Modification, and Separate Support Criminal, Civil and Federal Subpoenas, Probate Citations, Notices and Letters of all kinds. Conclusion: This article briefly outlines the evolution of the office of constable and its role in the Massachusetts legal system, and should not be considered as an in-depth review of all aspects of the constable's involvement in the serving and executing of legal process.